How to Export Apple Watch Workouts to Strava, Training Peaks and Other Fitness Tracking Apps

Recently I discovered that you can export your saved Apple Watch Workouts into Strava, Training Peaks, Map My Run and other popular fitness tracking apps. Once imported into these outside apps this allows you to analyze your workouts beyond the default Apple Activity app. This also lets you record your workouts using the default Apple Watch Workouts app and not have to rely on outside apps to get your data into their own app.

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How To Enjoy Alcohol and to Not Have it Affect your Sleep

TLDR – 1 drink 3-4 hours before you sleep probably won’t affect you. 2 may not either but 2 may lead to 3 and that’s trouble. It also depends on how you “enjoy” alcohol. Basically, if you go to sleep feeling like you’ve drank that day or evening because you are slightly buzzed or recovering from a buzz you had earlier, the alcohol will affect your sleep quality

As humans, alcohol has been in our culture for thousands of years. It’s an effective social lubricant at parties and social gatherings. It provides us with some escapism when we need to temporarily forget about our problems and provides us with a sense of elation when we want to celebrate events. It also can be used to enhance the flavor of foods and your dining experiences.

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The Apple Watch V02 Max Accuracy

First of all, what is VO2 max and how do you measure your personal VO2 max? Here’s a quick FAQ on VO2 Max.

The only accurate way to measure VO2 max is to wear a face mask and actually measure the amount of oxygen flowing through the mask and to your lungs. Obviously, the Apple Watch doesn’t come with a face mask attachment you can connect via Bluetooth, yet. So how does Apple Watch measure V02 Max?

Apple watch uses a metric known as “Predicted V02 Max” and is based on your heart rate activity during exercise. Since the relationship of the heart rate and the VO2 max varies between everyone, it’s not a perfect indicator of your VO2 max, but with regular testing, you can see the trends of improvement or decline in relation to your own VO2 max baseline.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

CrossFit is Dangerous and Causes Injuries

CrossFit has turned working out into a sport. As a sport, It’s relatively new compared to other sports that have been around for a long time like basketball, baseball, and football. People that jump into most new sports without proper training can be injured at a higher rate than those that train properly. Since Crossfit training involves movements that are new to many people such as kipping pull-ups, toes-to-bars, olympic lifts, gymnastics ring work and much more, I’m not surprised that injuries occur, especially without proper training.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."