Cheating Should Be Part Of Your Overall Diet Plan

Despite differences in the protein and fats I choose to eat and the seasoning I use, I can get bored of eating similar style meals every day (eggs, meat, veggies etc..). That’s why I allow myself to have cheat meals where I eat basically whatever the hell I want.

Cheat meals can involve drinking copious amounts of alcohol and eating appetizers, desserts, and fried foods, all of which can be pretty unhealthy and damaging. I’m not on a mission to be unhealthy but if unhealthy dishes is what the menu has and what people recommend, that is what I will try.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

Fasting: The Number One Forgotten Health Tool

Fasting sounds scary. It sounds like something you should only do before major medical procedures or if you are on some meditative monk-like journey to find yourself. All it really means is that you don’t have to stuff your face everytime you feel a tinge of hunger.

Think of fasting as a form of discipline. You don’t have to give into every evolutionary need all the time. Sometimes it may benefit you to practice a little restraint and discipline.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."