CrossFit is Dangerous and Causes Injuries

CrossFit has turned working out into a sport. As a sport, It’s relatively new compared to other sports that have been around for a long time like basketball, baseball, and football. People that jump into most new sports without proper training can be injured at a higher rate than those that train properly. Since Crossfit training involves movements that are new to many people such as kipping pull-ups, toes-to-bars, olympic lifts, gymnastics ring work and much more, I’m not surprised that injuries occur, especially without proper training.

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That’s What I Do I Lift Weights and Know Things Shirt

We all know Tyrion Lannister’s famous quote. This one is a slightly different take on it. It’s for those who have only a few but hardcore focuses in life. One is that they are knowledgeable nerds about some type of subject matter, and the other is that they are psychically fit and like to lift

The No Excuse Workout Program

If you’re like many busy people, preparing to go to a gym after work or squeezing it in during lunch is tough, especially when you are already feeling overwhelmed. You can still be in good shape though. Going to the gym puts you in an environment where you feel compelled to do some type of exercise, but if you integrate exercises and a movement routine throughout your day, then going to the gym will be a bonus instead of a requirement for staying in shape. Here are a few exercise routines and ideas some if you can integrate into your life to keep you in shape.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

Review of the Practical Uses of The Oura Ring

Keeping track of things like your heart rate variability, resting heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and physical activity can be interesting and as time goes by, you may notice trends that you can take action on. For example, I noticed that after March, my overall heart rate variability was trending down, a negative sign of health as a higher HRV than your baseline is a sign of good health and recovery.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

Alcohol, Resting Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability and Sleep

Ever since I got the Oura Ring, I’m able to track my deep sleep, heart rate variability and my resting heart rate in a more accurate fashion. Heart rate variability is the time interval between heartbeats. Typically, the higher the HRV, the better. The Oura ring is able to measure this by measuring your HRV while you are sleeping at the same time of the day, which makes the readings more accurate than other devices like the Apple watch or FitBit.

A lower resting heart rate during sleep is also associated with good recovery and health.

On normal days, my deep sleep, HRV, and resting heart rate are relatively good and consistent and my Oura Ring’s readiness score is not too bad. It’s not optimal because my weeks vary in terms of training and other activities.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

American Versus European Food and Drink Standards

Some of us may not look at the labels very well when buying food and drink products, except for the brands we want to get. Usually, we would just get them from the grocery shelves and freezers and stuff them to our carts. But, if we look closely and compare them, especially the U.S. and EU products, we would be able to distinguish each one’s standards.

It’s sad that some pesticides, such as Dacthal, are banned in Europe and classified as a carcinogen is allowed to be used on many of items we eat regularly in the US.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

Healthspan Is More Important Than Lifespan

According to statistics, the lifespan of this generation’s general population has increased, and the health status has also improved mainly because of the new drugs and medical innovations. These are both amazing news, but what do we really mean when we say lifespan and healthspan? Is there a difference between the two and is one more important than the other?

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

Were They Wrong About Sunscreen Too?

Margarine, Cigarettes, Anti-Bacterial Soap and now potentially sunscreen? These items were supposedly healthy at one point; now deemed as not only unhealthy but potentially harmful. More is not necessarily better. Here are some articles that discuss information about sunscreen, cancer and sun exposure.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

New Studies on Sugar and Smoking: Do We Really Need More Evidence?

We just can’t get enough of our favorite sugary treats, can we? We even admire artificial sweeteners saying they’re much better than regular sugars. How about smoking, how many sticks or packs do we consume per day? Haven’t we noticed that we age faster bit by bit by every puff of smoke we exhale and inhale? There are so many questions that we most probably already know the answers to. Still, we are in denial and still choose to continue our bad habits. Here are a few new studies that can shed some light of what we currently know about these topics.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

A Review of the Hypervolt Massage Vibration Device

I regularly go to the gym and engage in heavy workout circuits most of the time. Working out and sweating on a daily basis feels great. Muscle soreness also feels great in small amounts but sometimes it can be annoying. My solution is to get a deep tissue or Thai massage as often as possible. It may cost me bucks but at least I feel like a million bucks afterward. When I stumbled upon Hypervolt, I was pretty excited to try it out. This is my Hypervolt review based on my experiences where I try to lay out the pros and cons of the popular device.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."