90 lbs. Primal Kettlebell by Onnit

Kettlebells are one of the most versatile pieces of fitness you can add to your arsenal. There are gyms solely dedicated to just kettlebell training. Ever since Pavel Tsatsouline introduced the kettlebell to the United States, serious fitness junkies have been training with them religiously. What better kettlebell to highlight than Onnit’s bad fucking ass 90-pound gorilla kettlebell.

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Heavy Duty Resistance Bands

If you are into getting bigger muscles anytime and anywhere, one of the best tools you can have available is heavy-duty resistance bands. Resistance bands can help supplement your workouts or replace your current equipment when you don’t have barbells or dumbells available. To really build muscle and replace your set of heavy tools, you need to find the heavy-duty resistance bands.

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Antler Farms – 100% Pure 8X Mushroom Complex

Research shows mushrooms support healthy immune function and inflammatory responses. The popular ones that have been studied with positive results are Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, and Turkey Tail which are included in this mixture of the mushroom complex. They are also high in vitamins B, D, and are associated with cancer-fighting heart health properties.

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Bear KompleX Aluminum Speed Jump Rope

The Bear Komplex jump rope is a lightweight yet very high-quality jump rope made by the same people that brought you the Bear Komplex gloves which is also a very well designed product. It’s great for CrossFit WODs because it works better than other ones. It works so well it may feel like cheating. Using this will help you knock out more “double-unders” than the regular jump rope available.

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The Hypervolt Massager

The Hypervolt by Hyperice is a powerful massager used for recovery and to loosen up your muscles. It comes with various attachments and is powerful as hell. It’s good to use before and after workouts or when you need to really loosen up the tissue in affected areas where you feel is tight.

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The Chili Pad

The Chili Pad is a thin mattress pad that has a heating and cooling system attached to it. It circulates water around a network of small tubes on the pad. The temperature is adjustable from 55 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. For those who want to optimize their sleep, using the cooling features of the pad helps you sleep better by keeping your body temperature low in the night. It will prevent many of you from waking up with a sweaty back in the middle of the night!

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

The Oura Ring

The Oura Ring is a ring you wear on your finger that allows you to track key components to health such as heart rate, heart rate variability, sleep, and activity. It’s popular among the circle of health optimizers and those who want to keep an eye on metrics such as sleep and heart rate variability.

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Are Resistance Banded Workouts Legit or Bullshit

So you’re looking into getting in shape at home. Consequently, you’ve been Googling and YouTubing all day and the options seem endless. Do you even need to buy anything? Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics seem all the rage these days. Should you get dumbbells, a bench, ab rollers, parallettes, pads, or resistance bands? Look on YouTube and you can find workouts for any equipment or bodyweight exercise. But we’re not here to talk about every equipment under the sun. We’re here to talk about resistance bands.

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Review of Cheap Glucose Testing Tools

Because diabetes is in my family, I’ve been testing my blood glucose levels for years now. First at the doctors and now through my own finger pricking devices. Technically I’m not even pre-diabetic even though I was on that path in the past. in 2015, I had fasting blood glucose levels of 101, pre-diabetic levels. But since I was what is considered young and fit, doctors never even mentioned this to me. I had to look back at my labs to see my blood fasting blood sugar levels and it’s trends. If I hadn’t changed my diet, I would have probably had less than optimal blood sugar levels for years, increasing my chances of diabetes.

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."

The Greasing the Groove Method to Getting Fit

“Greasing the Groove” was a term that was coined by fitness trainer, author, and the man who introduced kettlebells to the United States, Pavel Tsatsouline. It’s a term that means not working your muscles to failure, but working them often. For example,  instead of 5 sets of 12 repetitions of a specific muscle group where you go to failure, just do 5  reps or less. Take a long break in between sets. Sometimes up to 20 minutes or more.  You can do the same for other muscle groups during this time of rest. This way, you’re not beating yourself up while still getting a high volume of heavy reps. 

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"Healthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging."